Treat yourself to a Movement Break!
Dr. Nate Sikora shares 3 easy movements you can do at your desk to help decrease stress, improve posture, and increase blood flow.
If seasonal allergies didn’t already tip you off, spring is in full bloom!
With warmer weather comes the ability to get outside more and get moving.
But for many of us, we spend a great deal of the day inside at work… sitting. In fact, the average American adult sits for at least 6.5 hours every day!
Maybe you’ve heard the recent adage, “sitting is the new smoking.” But why is sitting so detrimental?
There are a handful of factors, some more obvious than others.
We burn less calories sitting vs. standing vs. moving around. And if we know exercise = good for our bodies, we can naturally conclude that sitting probably isn’t.
But there are lesser known aspects of sitting that impact us negatively:
A forward dominant (slouched forward) posture puts stress on our body and puts you in a “fight or flight” mode.
Muscles that are moving help circulate sugar, fats, and lipids in our blood. But when sitting, those levels get out of whack, leading to an increased risk for diabetes, atherosclerosis, cholesterol build-up, heart attack, and stroke.
Sitting also restricts blood flow, which is harmful to your blood vessels and tends to cause blood pressure to rise - another contributing factor to cardiac conditions.
Today, Dr. Nate shares 3 easy movements you can do at your desk to help tackle some of these concerns:
The posture break
The Piriformis stretch
The Psoas stretch
Click on the videos below for instructions on each movement from Dr. Nate.
The Posture Break with Dr. Nate Sikora
The Piriformis Stretch with Dr. Nate Sikora
The Psoas Stretch with Dr. Nate Sikora